Tuesday, 14 August 2007

My Internet Journey >>> Past to Present.

These are some of the programs I have joined in the past:- Cashevolution, EMM, Direct Infinity, ReferralWare, ProphetClub, Rev9, GMT, Residualsuccess, Ezineblaze, Leads N' Cash, SFI, Ad co op, MLMDynamite, 10 Mins A Day, GMB, Chain letters, RabbitConnection, KISS...I think that's more or less it!

That was back in the day! Are ANY of those programs actually around today? I haven’t checked to be honest but I don’t think so! I guess SFI are still around at least.

I worked 3-4 hours on them, every day, using FFA's, Classifieds, Ad blasters, Safelists, Traffic rotation systems, Banner impressions, Traffic hits visitor packages, buying leads, Ezine solo ads and Guaranteed sign ups. I spent over $2500 in five months. I made $84 in total. Ummm...Not exactly what I had in mind.

More recently, I LOST around $7,000 on all these stupid HYIPS and Autosurf programs which you may have heard of. I wanted to get rich quick, but I painfully realised that there is NO SUCH THING (unless you win the lottery!)

I have nearly been made bankrupt!...hell…even my marriage was looking rocky because my wife was just sick of me losing all my time and money on the internet! My family were not supportive and thought I was wasting my life away in front of my PC.

Does any of this sound familiar to your situation??

If you are totally fed up, been burned, betrayed and backstabbed with all this bull**** then I KNOW how you feel...and what REALLY makes me mad is nonsense like ; "Join for FREE and make thousands by doing NOTHING! We recruit for YOU!" or..

“Join NOW..In PRELAUNCH!!...Get SPILLOVER!!”….yea sure, the only thing that’s gonna spillover is that drink in your hand when you’ve realised that you haven’t got a single member in your downline and after you've lost all your money!

The only people who make all the money in an MLM are the guys at the top, their families, their friends, their associates and their cats and dogs! You work and work in these programs, to sign up a few people for lousy money. Is it really worth it??

The frightening thing is that there ARE people who believe all this ****!! And that they’ll become rich just by sitting on their great big behinds in front of the TV watching American Idol or something similar. In the UK, we call it Pop Idol (I don’t watch it anyway).

I had a SERIOUS decision to make...

Should I keep joining all these seemingly HOT opportunites that promise 'great riches?' Should I believe all the 'hype' anymore? Should I work so hard in these MLM programs for crap pay? Maybe I could just get lucky one day perhaps?


I realised one important thing at this stage in my life. People are making money on the internet and working from home, but I needed to be shown exactly what to do! I needed someone to take me by the hand from A - Z, step by step and train me on how to make money online. If other people can do it, then why not me? They have just learned how to market on the internet, so that's what I needed to do.

Only earlier this year, in July 2007 I found something which was an answer to my prayers. It was NOT MLM and it was not selling silly health juices, lotions, potions or pills...and it was not a program offering travel vacations where you have to pay around $2000 - $5000 just to become a member!

Well, what I found has proved very profitable and more than made up for all the pain and loss I have suffered for the past six years. I’ve realised that training is CRITICAL to one’s success which is something the Company I am with now gives you. 7-10 hours per week of it through interactive Live webinars!

There are three price points at which you can join ranging from $997 right down to $69.95, so cost is not an issue. You get so much with the Company and just the expert training alone is worth much more than the membership cost. They even have full telephone support and live online help...you can even talk to the Owners direct on the telephone!

The Owners are EXPERTS in Internet Marketing & started operating back in 1998 and they actually show you step by step HOW to make real money on the internet by driving quality targeted traffic to your Company site. The sites then do the selling for you. The sites have very high conversion rates because they are fresh and new and at the cutting edge of internet technology. Unquestionably the Number one internet business available today and they are always ahead of the competition.

You have probably reached this site because you have already signed up under me to this fantastic and groundbreaking opportunity...but if you have not, you may discover what I am talking about right here >> CLICK HERE

If you have already joined this, then please understand that myself and the team are here to help you every step of the way from A - Z. Success will not be made any easier for you. I don't care if you've been hurt and scammed before with other programs and opportunities. We ALL have and you've just read my story. It's time to move on now and look forward to better things.

Myself and the team look forward to working with you and having you as yet another success story within our team. There is a saying that goes..."If you help enough people get what they want, then you'll also get what you want"

So...If I can help you to make money, then of course, I'll make money too. It's a win win situation and everyone is happy. That's not wrong! That's just common sense! I will be 100% honest with you at all times. I am here to make mo*ney and so are you. That's the bottom line.

If you don't decide to come on board, then I sincerely wish you all the success in whatever you are doing online or offline...but you will always receive the help & support from me, the team and the Company as a whole. We will take you by the hand and make you an internet success!

GOTO my main opportunity here >>>

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